Sci-Fi Fantasy, Toy and Product Illustrator. All art work and text is copyrighted John Zeleznik, unless otherwise attributed to the respective copyright owner, it is illegal to publish or print any such artwork or text without written permission by the artist or copyright owners.

September 16, 2010

Thundercloud Galaxy™ cover art in progress:Building value & color

Slowly washing in watery acrylic paint, building value & color. I have been studying with a wonderful instructor, Rick Morris, who emphasizes keeping shadows transparent and lights opaque. Washing in the color allows me to keep the shadows transparent and darken them slowly. Seems to be working and I feel a lot more in control of the whole painting than in the past.


Anonymous said...

As usually it looks great!

Is it me or you do less RPG covers lately? Nice to see one again.

Not that the other pictures were not good...;)

John Zeleznik said...

Thanks again Szederjei!

Yes, not very many RPG covers these days. Hope that changes soon.