Sci-Fi Fantasy, Toy and Product Illustrator. All art work and text is copyrighted John Zeleznik, unless otherwise attributed to the respective copyright owner, it is illegal to publish or print any such artwork or text without written permission by the artist or copyright owners.

December 7, 2013

"Other Worlds" Private Commission

"Other Worlds" Private Commission Enlarged drawing ready to be transferred to board with graphite paper

December 3, 2013

November 24, 2013

"Other Worlds" preliminary drawings

Preliminary drawing options for "Other Worlds" private commission

November 13, 2013


Happy Autumn everyone!

October 30, 2013

Fantasy Dinosaur Commission

The beginning stages of the final painting.

October 28, 2013

5 Week Pose_Catherine: Week 1.5

Week 1 block in scanned, reduced and printed on bond paper. Working out fantasy wardrobe and setting before the models next sitting.

September 12, 2013

Dejah Thoris Commission

Sketches for an upcoming Dejah Thoris painting commission.

Rifter 60

Cover for the Rifter #60

April 28, 2013


A beautiful young lady who looks like she stepped out of the Renaissance.